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Components API

vue-pdf implements custom Component types that allow you to structure your PDF document.


This component represents the PDF document itself. It must be the root of your tree element structure, and under no circumstances should it be used as child of another vue-pdf component. In addition, it should only have children of type <Page />.

  • Props
type PageMode =
  | 'useNone'
  | 'useOutlines'
  | 'useThumbs'
  | 'fullScreen'
  | 'useOC'
  | 'useAttachments'

type PageLayout =
  | 'singlePage'
  | 'oneColumn'
  | 'twoColumnLeft'
  | 'twoColumnRight'
  | 'twoPageLeft'
  | 'twoPageRight'

interface DocumentProps {
   * Sets title info on the document's metadata
  title?: string
   * Sets author info on the document's metadata
  author?: string
   * Sets subject info on the document's metadata
  subject?: string
   * Sets keywords associated info on the document's metadata
  keywords?: string
   * Sets creator info on the document's metadata
   * @default 'vue-pdf'
  creator?: string
   * Sets producer info on the document's metadata
   * @default 'vue-pdf'
  producer?: string
   * Sets PDF version for generated document
   * @default '1.3'
  pdfVersion?: string
   * Sets PDF default language
  language?: string
   * Specifying how the document should be displayed when opened
   * @default 'useNone'
  pageMode?: PageMode
   * This controls how (some) PDF viewers choose to show pages
   * @default 'singlePage'
  pageLayout?: PageLayout


Represents single page inside the PDF documents, or a subset of them if using the wrapping feature. A <Document /> can contain as many pages as you want, but ensures not rendering a page inside any component besides Document.

  • Props
interface ExpandedBookmark {
  title: string
  top?: number
  left?: number
  zoom?: number
  fit?: true | false
  expanded?: true | false

type Bookmark = string | ExpandedBookmark

interface PageProps {
   * Defines page size. If String, must be one of the available page sizes. Height is optional, if omitted it will behave as "auto"
   * @default 'A4'
  size?: string | string[] | number | object
   * Defines page orientation. Valid values: "portrait" or "landscape"
   * @default 'portrait'
  orientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape'
   * Enables page wrapping for this page
   * @default true
  wrap?: boolean
   * Defines page styles
  style?: Style | Style[]
   * Enables debug mode on page bounding box
   * @default false
  debug?: boolean
   * Enables setting a custom DPI for page contents
   * @default 72
  dpi?: number
   * Destination ID to be linked to
  id?: string
   * Attach bookmark to element
  bookmark?: string | Bookmark


The most fundamental component for building a UI and is designed to be nested inside other views and can have 0 to many children.

  • Props
interface ViewProps {
   * Enable/disable page wrapping for element
  wrap?: boolean
   * Defines view styles
  style?: Style | Style[]
   * Enables debug mode on view bounding box
  debug?: boolean
   * Render component in all wrapped pages
  fixed?: boolean
   * Destination ID to be linked to
  id?: string
   * Attach bookmark to element
  bookmark?: string | Bookmark
   * Render dynamic text based on the context the element is rendered
  render?: (args: {
    pageNumber: number
    subPageNumber: string
  }) => string


A Vue component for displaying network or local (Node only) JPG or PNG images, as well as base64 encoded image strings.

  • Props
type HTTPMethod = 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH'

type SourceURL = string

type SourceBuffer = Buffer

type SourceBlob = Blob

type SourceDataBuffer = { data: Buffer; format: 'png' | 'jpg' }

type SourceURLObject = {
  uri: string
  method?: HTTPMethod
  body?: any
  headers?: any
  credentials?: 'omit' | 'same-origin' | 'include'

type Source =
  | SourceURL
  | SourceBuffer
  | SourceBlob
  | SourceDataBuffer
  | SourceURLObject
  | undefined

type SourceFactory = () => Source

type SourceAsync = Promise<Source>

type SourceAsyncFactory = () => Promise<Source>

export type SourceObject =
  | Source
  | SourceFactory
  | SourceAsync
  | SourceAsyncFactory

interface ImageProps {
   * Source of the image.
   * todo: add link
  src?: Source
   * Alias of src.
   * todo: add @see link
  source?: Source
   * Defines view styles
  style?: Style | Style[]
   * Enables debug mode on view bounding box
   * @default false
  debug?: boolean
   * Renders component in all wrapped pages
   * @default false
  fixed?: boolean
   * Enables image caching between consecutive renders
   * @default true
  cache?: boolean
   * Attach bookmark to element
  bookmark?: string | Bookmark


A Vue component for displaying text. Text supports nesting of other Text or Link components to create inline styling.

  • Props
interface TextProps {
   * Enables/disables page wrapping for element
   * @default true
  wrap?: boolean
   * Defines view styles
  style?: Style | Style[]
   * Enables debug mode on view bounding box
   * @default false
  debug?: boolean
   * Renders component in all wrapped pages
   * @default false
  fixed?: boolean
   * Specify hyphenation callback at a text level
  hyphenationCallback?: (word: string) => string[]
   * Destination ID to be linked to
  id?: string
   * Attach bookmark to element
  bookmark?: string | Bookmark
   * Render dynamic text based on the context the element is rendered
  render?: (args: {
    pageNumber: number
    totalPages: number
    subPageNumber: string
    subPageTotalPages: number
  }) => string

A Vue component for displaying an hyperlink. Link’s can be nested inside a Text component, or being inside any other valid primitive.

  • Props
interface LinkProps {
   * Valid URL or destination ID. ID must be prefixed with `#`
  src?: string
   * Enable/disable page wrapping for element
   * @default true
  wrap?: boolean
   * Defines view styles
  style?: Style | Style[]
   * Enables debug mode on view bounding box
   * @default false
  debug?: boolean
   * Renders component in all wrapped pages
   * @default false
  fixed?: boolean
   * Attach bookmark to element
  bookmark?: string | Bookmark


A Vue component for displaying a note annotation inside the document.

  • Props
interface NoteProps {
   * Defines view styles
  style?: Style | Style[]
   * Renders component in all wrapped pages
   * @default false
  fixed?: boolean


A Vue component for freely drawing any content on the page.

  • Props
interface CanvasProps {
   * Defines view styles
  style?: Style | Style[]
   * Painter function
  paint?: (
    painter?: any,
    availableWidth?: number,
    availableHeight?: number,
  ) => null
   * Enables debug mode on view bounding box
   * @default false
  debug?: boolean
   * Renders component in all wrapped pages
   * @default false
  fixed?: boolean
   * Attach bookmark to element
  bookmark?: string | Bookmark



  • Props
interface SvgProps {
   * The displayed width of the rectangular viewport
  width?: string | number
   * The displayed height of the rectangular viewport
  height?: string | number
   * The SVG viewport coordinates for the current SVG fragment
  viewBox?: string
   * How the svg fragment must be deformed if it is displayed with a different aspect ratio
  preserveAspectRatio?: string
   * Defines SVG styles
  style?: Style | Style[]


  • Props
interface SvgTextProps {
   * The x coordinate of the starting point of the text baseline.
  x?: string | number
   * The y coordinate of the starting point of the text baseline.
  y?: string | number


The SVG <Tspan /> element defines a subtext within a <Text /> element or another <Tspan /> element. It allows for adjustment of the style and/or position of that subtext as needed.

  • Props
interface TspanProps {
   * The x coordinate of the starting point of the text baseline.
  x?: string | number
   * The y coordinate of the starting point of the text baseline.
  y?: string | number


  • Props
interface PathProps extends PresentationAttributes {
  style?: PresentationAttributes
  d?: string

interface PresentationAttributes {
   * Provides a potential indirect value for the fill or stroke attributes.
  color?: string
   * Defines the baseline used to align the box’s text and inline-level contents.
   * @default auto
    | 'auto'
    | 'middle'
    | 'central'
    | 'hanging'
    | 'mathematical'
    | 'text-after-edge'
    | 'text-before-edge'
   * It defines the color of the inside of the graphical element it applies to.
  fill?: string
   * It specifies the opacity of the color or the content the current object is filled with.
   * @default 1
  fillOpacity?: string | number
   * It indicates how to determine what side of a path is inside a shape.
   * @default nonzero
  fillRule?: 'nonzero' | 'evenodd'
   * It specifies the transparency of an object or a group of objects.
   * @default 1
  opacity?: string | number
   * Defines the color used to paint the outline of the shape.
  stroke?: string
   * Defines the width of the stroke to be applied to the shape.
   * @default 1
  strokeWidth?: string | number
   * Defines the opacity of the stroke of a shape.
   * @default 1
  strokeOpacity?: string | number
   * Defines the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
   * @default butt
  strokeLinecap?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square'
   * Defines the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked.
   * @default miter
  strokeLinejoin?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'miter' | 'bevel'
   * Defines the pattern of dashes and gaps used to paint the outline of the shape.
  strokeDasharray?: string
   * Defines a list of transform definitions that are applied to an element and its children.
  transform?: string
   * Defines the horizontal alignment of a string of text.
  textAnchor?: 'start' | 'middle' | 'end'
   * Lets you control the visibility of graphical elements.
   * @default visible
  visibility?: 'visible' | 'hidden' | 'collapse'


  • Props
interface RectProps {
   * The x coordinate of the rect.
  x?: string | number
   * The y coordinate of the rect.
  y?: string | number
   * The width of the rect.
  width?: string | number
   * The height of the rect.
  height?: string | number
   * The horizontal corner radius of the rect.
  rx?: string | number
   * The vertical corner radius of the rect.
  ry?: string | number


  • Props
interface CircleProps {
   * The x-axis coordinate of the center of the circle.
  cx?: string | number
   * The y-axis coordinate of the center of the circle.
  cy?: string | number
   * The radius of the circle.
  r?: string | number


  • Props
interface EllipseProps {
   * The x position of the ellipse.
  cx?: string | number
   * The y position of the ellipse.
  cy?: string | number
   * The radius of the ellipse on the x axis.
  rx?: string | number
   * The radius of the ellipse on the y axis.
  ry?: string | number


  • Props
interface LineProps {
   * Defines the x-axis coordinate of the line starting point.
  x1?: string | number
   * Defines the x-axis coordinate of the line ending point.
  x2?: string | number
   * Defines the y-axis coordinate of the line starting point.
  y1?: string | number
   * Defines the y-axis coordinate of the line ending point.
  y2?: string | number


  • Props
interface PolylineProps {
   * Defines the list of points (pairs of x,y absolute coordinates) required to draw the polyline.
  points?: string


  • Props
interface PolygonProps {
   * Defines the list of points (pairs of x,y absolute coordinates) required to draw the polygon.
  points?: string


  • Props
interface StopProps {
   * Defines where the gradient stop is placed along the gradient vector.
  offset?: string | number
   * Defines the color of the gradient stop.
  stopColor?: string
   * Defines the opacity of the gradient stop.
   * @default 1
  stopOpacity?: string | number


No props


  • Props
interface GProps extends PresentationAttributes {}


  • Props
interface LinearGradientProps {
   * Defines the x coordinate of the starting point of the vector gradient.
  x1?: string | number
   * Defines the x coordinate of the ending point of the vector gradient.
  x2?: string | number
   * Defines the y coordinate of the starting point of the vector gradient.
  y1?: string | number
   * Defines the y coordinate of the ending point of the vector gradient.
  y2?: string | number
  xlinkHref?: string
  gradientTransform?: string
  gradientUnits?: 'userSpaceOnUse' | 'objectBoundingBox'


  • Props
interface RadialGradientProps {
   * Defines the x coordinate of the end circle of the radial gradient.
  cx?: string | number
   * Defines the y coordinate of the end circle of the radial gradient.
  cy?: string | number
   * Defines the radius of the start circle of the radial gradient.
  fr?: string | number
   * Defines the x coordinate of the start circle of the radial gradient.
  fx?: string | number
   * Defines the y coordinate of the start circle of the radial gradient.
  fy?: string | number
  xlinkHref?: string
  gradientTransform?: string
  gradientUnits?: 'userSpaceOnUse' | 'objectBoundingBox'